

十大最大的网络彩票平台 Library actively promotes compliance with the U.S. 著作权法(美国.S.C) in conjunction with Fair Use guidelines and prohibits copying or use of 版权ed materials not specifically permitted or exempted by law.

All reserve and inter自由rary loan items must adhere to the United States 版权 Law.


It is the Library’s policy that a faculty member or department obtains permission from the 版权 owner for reserve services when applicable. 必须向图书馆提供许可的证明文件. All fees for 版权 permission must be paid by the individual or the department to the 版权 owner. 的 大学 places liability for willful infringement of 版权 upon the person making or requesting the copy, 或者使用材料. 如果担心出现十大网络彩票平台大全一个项目的版权合法性, 自由rary faculty or the university attorney will review 版权 laws that pertain to the item or situation to determine whether or not the item can be used as intended.

Typically, you can place the following items on reserve without owner permission:

  • 一篇文章的单份副本
  • 一本书的一章
  • 一整首诗

所有项目都应包含版权声明. All items shall become the personal property of the instructor at the end of the semester. 如果物品每学期都要保留, 版权所有人必须提前发出书面通知.


为馆际互借之目的,图书馆可影印. More than five (5) requests from any one title published within the past five years from a magazine to which the 自由rary does not subscribe is considered excessive and interpreted as an evasion of the purchase of a periodical.



§ 501. 侵犯版权

(a) Anyone who violates any of the exclusive rights of the 版权 owner as provided by sections 106 through 122 or of the author as provided in section 106A(a), or who imports copies or phonorecords into the United States in violation of section 602, 是否侵犯了作者的版权或权利, 视情况而定. 就本章而言(第506条除外), any reference to 版权 shall be deemed to include the rights conferred by section 106A(a). 在本小节中使用的, “任何人”一词包括任何国家, 国家的任何工具, and any 官 或雇员 of a State or instrumentality of a State acting in his or her official capacity. 任何国家, 以及任何类似的工具, 官, 或雇员, shall be subject to the provisions of this title in the same manner and to the same extent as any nongovernmental entity.

(b) 的 legal or beneficial owner of an exclusive right under a 版权 is entitled, 须符合第411条的规定, to institute an action for any infringement of that particular right committed while he or she is the owner of it. 的 court may require such owner to serve written notice of the action with a copy of the complaint upon any person shown, 通过版权局的记录或其他方式, 拥有或主张对版权有兴趣, and shall require that such notice be served upon any person whose interest is likely to be affected by a decision in the case. 法院可以要求合并, 并允许干预, 任何拥有或声称对版权有利益的人.

第五章的全文可在 美国版权局网站.


的 Fair Use Doctrine limits the exclusive rights defined in Section 106 of the U.S. 版权 Act and supports the use of 版权ed works in 奖学金, teaching, and learning. Fair Use is the limited right of others to use 版权ed materials.

“尽管有第106及106A条的规定, 合理使用受版权保护的作品, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, 用于批评等目的, 评论, 新闻报道, 教学(包括多份供课堂使用), 奖学金, 或研究, 并没有侵犯版权……”

第107条.S. 版权 Law further states that there are four factors to be considered when deciding if Fair Use is applicable:

  • 使用的目的和特点, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit education purposes
  • 受版权保护作品的性质
  • Amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the 版权ed work as a whole
  • 的 effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the 版权ed work

合理使用适用于印刷和数字内容. Fair Use must be considered when posting excerpts of 版权ed works in course management systems

合理使用清单 utilized within the 大学 System of Georgia is a tool which can assist you in making a reasoned and balanced application of the four fair use factors in determining whether a given use of a work is a fair use. It outlines various circumstances that are important to the evaluation of fair use and derives from the four fair use factors and from judicial decisions interpreting 版权 law. Faculty can fill out the checklist and keep it on file if questions arise about the particular classroom or other use.


数字化版权材料受十大网络彩票平台大全法案的影响, 不管材料的原始格式如何. 这项技术, 十大网络彩票平台大全 and 版权 Harmonization (TEACH) Act was enacted in November 2002 as an amendment to the 版权 Act of 1976. 见本法第110(2)条, it covers distance education as well as face to face teaching which has an online, 网络增强了, 传输或广播组件. 它免除了传输的责任, 包括通过数字网络, of a performance or display of a 版权ed work by an accredited non-profit educational institution to students officially enrolled in a course or a government body to 官s 或雇员s of government as a part of their official duties or employment.





美国宪法第17条.S. Code


版权,合理使用, & 电子储备政策


Code of Best Practices in Fair Use by Association of Research Libraries







托马斯维尔,GA 31792